Joshua House is a structured environment that believes keeping addicts in early recovery accountable, engaged, and busy are key ingredients to their long term success. All clients are required to participate in daily chores, attend groups, and fulfill program requirements.
The program for each client is often custom made to a certain degree, and the farther along each man gets, the more it becomes his to own. Some of the men want to give back by entering our LIT program (Leaders in Training), some become house monitors and eventually paid staff. Others begin to transition back to mainstream living through work, family visits etc. as they progress to Joshua House’s in-city homes.
There are many volunteers from local Churches or men with counselling experience who donate time to the men. Most evenings have some sort of a meeting on site, or off campus.
This is a breakdown of what a client can expect for the first couple of months of their journey
7:30 am wake up and chores
9:00 am breakfast and cleanup finished
9:30-11:30 am morning group
10 to 10:15 am coffee time
11:30-1:00 pm lunch and cleanup
1:00-3:00 pm afternoon session (a variety of sessions that are run)
2- 2:15 pm coffee time
3:00-5 pm Work program, one on one counselling.
5:00 pm dinner and cleanup
7:00 pm bible study or 12 step meeting hosted by outside speakers